This is a piece depicting how clients can “miss the point”. Clients state their goals, wishes, or desired outcomes, but do not realize that reaching those goals requires consistent practice of smaller items. The idea that needs to be conveyed is that improvement is a practice and a process. It's not something you do twice a week, but something you do every day. A paradigm shift from goals being abstract to PRACTICE ORIENTED SKILLS is the catalyst for behavior change. Much of the inspiration for this comes from the book, Talent Code by Dan Coyle.
Mental Fortitude
Mental fortitude is built on many qualities, for me, the most essential being passion, the source of my emotions and drive. Discovering goals to direct my passions toward enables focus and commitment. They provide fuel to overcome obstacles and hardship. I strive to understand the factors that enhance my passions and those that diminish them. I channel my thoughts and actions toward the positive and away from the negative.